` Top Water Saving Tips | Wildon (UK) LTD

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Top Water Saving Tips

Posted on August 8, 2014

We can all fall guilty to a dripping tap, but many of us also leave the tap running while we brush our teeth or while waiting for it too warm up or cool down which is not only wasteful but can have wider detrimental effects.

Unnecessary water usage is one of the easiest things to cut back on as there are various methods you can introduce in order to lower your water consumption, and in the meantime lower your energy bills, protect surrounding wildlife and reduce the amount of chemicals and energy that is used in treatment facilities.

The team here at Wildon (UK) Ltd have created some top tips to help you start saving water both inside and outside your home today!

Choose a shower rather than a bath

Whereas a bath can be nice to relax and unwind, it roughly uses up to 80 litres of water, whereas an average 5 minute shower will only use 35 litres of water, saving you an impressive 45 litres!

Brushing teeth without the tap on

While you are actually brushing your teeth, remember to turn the tap off. This is a total waste of water as you only need water at the beginning and end of brushing. You could even go one step further and fill a small cup of water to rinse your mouth out so you don’t even need to turn the tap on again!

Filling the kettle

Only fill the kettle with the amount of water you need. For instance, if you are making one cup of tea, don’t fill the kettle full to the top as this will cost more money to heat than just enough for the one cup.

Drinking water

Rather than waiting for the tap to run water cold enough to drink – and in the process wasting litres of water! – try filling a bottle or jug of water and keeping it in the fridge. This way, there will be cold water ready and waiting for you without having to run any taps unnecessarily.

Dripping taps…

Did you know that a dripping tap collectively wastes enough water in one day to entirely fill a bath?! So make sure you fully tighten the tap to when you have finished using it.

In the garden

You should water your garden in the evenings when it is cooler. If you water them during the day, and in direct sunlight, the majority of the water will evaporate which will not only waste your time watering them, but your plants won’t even receive the benefits!

Car wash

Although a hosepipe makes it a much easier job, they use a lot more water and the majority of it ends up on the floor anyway, unused! Using the old fashioned method of a bucket is a far more efficient way to ensure the water is actually being used.

With the average household using more than 100,000 litres of water a year, we can drastically reduce this by implementing just a few of the simple water saving tips like the ones we have mentioned above.

For more information about wastewater management systems or for help with your wastewater management, please get in touch with the expert team here at Wildon UK. Whether it’s domestic, commercial or industrial, we can meet your needs with efficient wastewater treatment. 

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